How Are You Limited By Your Beliefs?

If you’re an entrepreneur or have big dreams, you’ve probably been introduced to the idea of limiting beliefs, but I’m going to take this a step further and talk about the concept of limiting beliefs as they pertain to ALL of us in ALL of our lives.

So let’s begin from the beginning, what are limiting beliefs?


Limiting beliefs are attitudes, concepts, convictions, states of mind, or, well, beliefs that you buy into that serve to keep you small in some way shape or form.

By keeping you small, they are also keeping you from attaining the life that you want to have because these beliefs tell you “you can’t have that”, “you can’t do that”, “that’s not meant for you”, “that’s too hard for you”.

Many times, limiting beliefs are followed by some sense of resignation. They’re a response to daring to dream for something bigger or different.

What do you do with these?

Well, some people don’t do anything with them. They hear them, they sigh, and they return to their lives that aren’t fulfilling them.

I challenge you to do something different with them.

First, when they’re happening, pause and recognize them for what they are. Take note of the ones that come up again and again and again.

Stop accepting them for what they are, take them down the rabbit hole.

My favorite question to ask my limiting beliefs are “Why not?” or “Why NOT me?” and follow that down the line as far as it goes.

Typically, I get to an end where it’s obvious even to me in my human-ness, that they’re excuses.

They’re my fears talking.

They’re not fixed truths even if I’ve been giving them space to seem like it.

Once you reach that end, you have a great opportunity to replace them! Replace them with something healthier or encouraging. This can be a great place for affirmations to come in. We’ll be visiting those next week.


Tell me, what are some common limiting beliefs you run into? Are there typical arenas of your life you find them in more readily? How do you like to combat your limiting beliefs?



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